Natalya | 62999
Age between
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Natalya, 37 years

ID : 62999

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Personal Information

Age :
37 years
City :
Profession :
Aspiring Designer
Education :
Marital status :
Height, cm :
Weight, kg :
Eyes :
Hair :
Languages Spoken :
English (pre-intermediate)
Kids :

Ideal match description

38-55 years old, possibly with children. EU countries, possibly the USA. Preferably Russian-speaking or understanding the language. It is important for me to meet "my special man," build a strong relationship, have children together. I want to be near a man whom I admire, who cherishes and respects me and our kids. Our relationship and our family will always come first to me, but I also hope to develop in my career and creativity

About me

I was born and raised in a traditional family. My mother is a psychologist, father is a jeweler. We maintain a good relationship. Character traits: Tenderness, sensitivity, kindness, love for life, inner and outer beauty, ability to see and value beauty, sincerity, ambition, determination. Sometimes I am hot-tempered and vulnerable.

My interests

Dancing, fashion, fabrics, my clothes collection. I like to travel, usually I travel 2-3 times a year as a tourist. I have been to China, Thailand, UAE, Maldives, Korea. I prefer to stay in a good hotel when I am on holiday. I like European, Italian, Russian cuisine. I know how to cook, mainly simple homemade food. I do dancing 2-3 times a week. As for films, I prefer melodrama, I listen to different music depending on my mood.

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