Tatiana | 61252
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Tatiana, 41 Jahre

ID : 61252

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Persönliche Informationen

Alter :
41 Jahre
Land :
Stadt :
Beruf :
Manager in conditioner shop
Ausbildung :
Hohe Schule
Religion :
Familienstand :
Größe, cm :
Gewicht, kg :
Augen :
Haare :
Gesprochene Sprachen :
English French
Rauchen :
Kinder :


  • Mädchen, 2021

Beschreibung der idealen Übereinstimmung

The most important for me to feel harmony . We are all people and we make mistakes in our lives, relationships, we all have minuses and pluses , so I just want to find the right person who can live and deal with me like I am with my bonuses and minuses and I can also accept him like he is and just love him the way he is and accept him and be happy and feel harmony together .

Über mich

I like to develop myself and my personality, set new goals for myself and looking for ways to achieve them. I am kind-hearted, always ready to help people, I know how to love and take care of man and hope my future husband will appreciate this.

Meine Interessen

I like to gonig for sports and when have desire and time I always go to the gym or some other sport activities, at the moment I am interested and learn how to make hair styles, when have some free time try to learn more English and French languages , like to invent some new hobbies for me and always to develop my personality my inner world to enlarge my knowledge.

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Unser zertifiziertes Real Marriage-Matchmaker-Team ist professionell, lebendig und einladend und nimmt Sie mit auf die sehr persönliche Reise, um Sie einem potenziellen Lebenspartner vorzustellen.

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